
Montana De Luz

Montana De Luz

By Heather Desantis


Montana de Luz located in Columbus, Ohio is a non-profit organization that provides hope for children affected by HIV/AIDS by taking care of the health, educational, and security needs for Honduran Children. They do this by being present in Honduras- making medical care available to families as well as educate the community through awareness about preventative measures against AIDS.

For people who are looking for a hands on service opportunity Monta de Luz offers an incredible one week service trip through an interdisciplinary, cross-cultural experience. For a fee of $1,800, you will be provided the opportunity to make a humanitarian contribution and be emeshed into a Spanish speaking culture.

In addition to volunteering overseas, there are many other ways to help this organization that include: volunteering at the office, making a monetary donation, holding a leadership position, or having a collection drive for clothing or other needed items. “We always need volunteers to work on our fund-raising committees, in our office on short term projects as well as long term volunteers who can commit to a specific number of hours on a regular basis”, said Executive Director, Erika Shell Castro.

Join our community as they join together for the Columbus’ Aids Walk on April 20 at Bicentennial Park
We can do no great things, only small things with great love. ~Mother Teresa

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